A Little Explore of the High Desert

Highlights of my last trip out are up. I have a lot more footage but my computer  can’t handle heavy video editing these days. Two new single panel
petroglyph sites. For any concerned, these are transitory locations, not
habitation/village sites. There are no artifacts - nothing to loot or
pillage. In my experience there are these ephemeral sites that occur
along throughways in the desert and I suspect they could have been
rendezvous points that fall along the most efficient lines
of travel in the high country. Then there are habitation/village sites
that are far more comprehensive, ceremonial sites and seasonal camps.
There are none of these in the area I was exploring. Also located
another of those giant cairns that are not of indigenous origin but also
don’t seem to be associated with mine claims. Only thing I can surmise
is they may have been used in early survey work.

Anyway, hope you enjoy and, while you’re at it, why not click through to YouTube and subscribe to my channel? I have more freckles than followers and I’d like to remedy that.

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